2009年3月3日 星期二

First Exercise - Enjoy yourself!

The following is the video regarding the first practice, please enjoy yourself =]

After recognizing the magic of memory, let's do an exercise to test your brain capacity! Since it is much easier to understand and apply the memory technique in using our mother language, the following exercise will be demonstrated in Chinese. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

The First Exercise:
甘蔗 -> 香水 -> 外套 -> 牙刷 -> 雞蛋 -> 樹 -> 貼紙 -> 電視 -> 杯子 -> 掃把
Within 1 minutes, try to remember these words as much as you can.

Remark: Don't use a pen/pencil to jot down the words or even draw the pictures.

Time yourself and start the exercise now!

Tips: Remember to activate your brain before doing this exercise!! ^^ It can help you to enhance the brain capacity =]

2 則留言:

  1. Oh~ i know the method to spin the pen lu~
    Oh~ it's so low B

  2. To Anthony,
    Thanks for your comment. In fact, the thinking the steps of spinning the pen is not 'low b'. It's because it can help you to activate your brain before memorizing a lot of information.
