2009年3月20日 星期五

省略法 Acronyms

省略法 Acronyms

An Acronym is a word formed from the first or first few letters of several words. For example, HKSAR is an Acronym for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Sometimes, people will make all of the words to be a simple sentence or even a song.

Extended Acronyms is one of the popular forms of Acronym -when a sentence or verse is created from the first letter of each word to help us remember certain pieces of information in sequence.

By applying the acronyms, people can remember more products names or features. Let’s practice more! The following is the example.

Example 1: “Roy G. Biv”
It is the order of the spectrum, in order from left to right.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet

Example 2: Remember the China provinces
These four sentences can include all China Provinces from Mr. Zhou, En Lai (周恩來).


1. 兩湖兩廣兩河山

2. 五江雲貴福吉安
雲﹕雲南 貴﹕貴州 福﹕福建
吉﹕吉林 安﹕安徽

3. 四西兩寧青甘陝
四﹕四川 西﹕西藏
青﹕青島 甘﹕甘肅 陝﹕陝西

4. 還有內台北上天
內﹕內蒙古 台﹕台灣
北﹕北京 上﹕上海 天﹕天津

2 則留言:

  1. Acronyms is a common method of memorizing, however, people might easily forget the details or original information of acronymic terms in the long-run situation.
    is it a potential problem of this method...?

  2. Yes! Therefore people need to practice more and review from time to time to reinforce our memory.
