2009年2月23日 星期一

Improving Our Brains Now! Enjoy~

Things that will affect our memory:
- Fatigue / Exhaustion/ Not enough resting
- Anxiety
- Pressure
- Poor ventilation system
- Too much information/ Not enough time for absorbing the knowledge
- Sitting for too long
- Without breakfast

Ways that can improve our memory:
- Activate the brain (Please watch the following video)

- Read aloud when reviewing the information
- Before sleeping, review the information than is acquired on that day
- Doing exercise
- Listening to the relaxed and soft music

Food that can enhance our memory:
- Candy, chocolate
- Peanut
- Walnut
- Banana
- Blueberry
- Seaweed
- Carrot
- Soya bean
- Fish
- Egg

2 則留言:

  1. Why the above video can activate our brain? What help can we benefit from it?? Able to remember things more? or .... some other things else??

  2. To Marcus,
    Thank you for your question. In fact, the main focus of spinning the pen is not the spinning action and methods; it is the thinking process of changing position of the pen. Through thinking over the steps of spinning the pen, it helps to activate and stimulate our brain. Then we will become more energetic and enhance our memory.
