2009年3月23日 星期一

諧音法Homonymic Method

諧音法Homonymic Method

Homonymic method is about the word, number and thing which use others similar words to replace or substitute. The following table is the example of number.

number 數字諧音例字
0 零、陵、林、靈、麟、令
1 衣、醫、邑、已、意、椅
2 兒、耳、而、爾、珥、異
3 山、杉、散、珊、扇、婆
4 似、司、私、師、絲、材
5 吳、午、市、烏、物、我
6 劉、留、流、瘤、柳、老
7 奇、齊、氣、乞、企、漆
8 巴、叭、琶、把、鈸、化
9 糾、酒、就、舅、鳩、腳

How to use this table??
03 --> 靈山
54064 --> 我是你老師

1. To remember Pi or π ( 3.141592653589793238462643383279)
3.14159 265 358979 3238462643 383279
山顛一寺 一壺酒, 爾留我, 三胡把酒吃酒; 三兒三爸死留兒, 留四傘, 三爸三兒吃酒

2. To remember telephone number
For example: 8204 0102 --> 百事寧死 靈幽靈異

You can use homonymic method to apply with another method such as story method.The first step is creating the similar words to replace the specific things. Then, using the story method, you can use these words to create a story.

7 則留言:

  1. The Homonymic Method is quite interesting!
    I think it's more suitable for the people who know the putonghua well. However, this method is useful to memorize things.

  2. This method is extensively used for reciting facts by primary students. How could we use it for the teritary students or working group?

  3. you can use to memory some specific words which is to long and to difficult to speak.

  4. I think it is difficult to remember variouse resources. It is because some resources' pronunciation not including above pronunciation.

  5. WOW@@"
    It is an amazing method for me to memorize the π, good@@"

  6. 咦~!

  7. All, thanks for your comment!
    Vicky, in fact, you can have your own version for the pronounciation. The above material is for reference.
    P-M-S-N, haha^^ Take action now!
    豪子, Thanks for trying this method to memorize the things!
