2009年3月9日 星期一

The Story Method

The Story Method is one of the techniques for memorizing many things. Use a story as the link to remember a set of words or sequence of activities. When we were small, we heard a lot of bedtime stories, like Snow White, Three Little Pigs, etc. Up till now, we can still remember the details of the story. Hence, we find it is a good way to memorize things. “Make the story vivid and easy to remember, with silly things happening and with strong sensory content.” The story can be silly and unreasonable. Just like sometimes we can remember almost all of the “broken gags” we have heard but cannot remember the theories we have learnt from the academic subjects.
(Ref: http://changingminds.org/techniques/memory/story.htm, retrieved on 2/3/2009)

The following is the suggestion:

Is the story silly? Yes, it is. But it can help us to remember things more. In addition, if the story is full of exaggeration (誇張), it also helps us to memorize the items better!

Now try to remember the following things (in correct sequence) within 3 minutes:
毛巾 -> 火車 -> 士兵 -> 枕頭 -> 樹葉 ->
花貓 -> 太陽帽 -> 保齡球 -> 河流 -> 旋轉木馬 ->
電腦 -> 蘋果 -> 火柴 -> 森林 -> 草蜢 ->
公主 -> 鉛筆 -> 草裙 -> 雨傘 -> 小鳥

Remark: Don't use a pen/pencil to jot down the words or even draw the pictures.

By using the Story Method, you can memorize more items this time. Hope you enjoy this! Now, it’s time for you to create your own story!

3 則留言:

  1. any guide to construct the storyline? As we may have differnt version / differnt story plot when we "create" it in different time.

  2. 中一教思維研習教過學生呢種記憶法,好易教,學生容易上手,但學生好少實際應用,因為佢地既重點去左作古仔,而唔係記生字。

  3. Thank you for your comments ^^

    icircuit: People can create different stories. But we recommend people use their creative thinking and time to remember other words, since they have a huge amount of knowledge to remember.

    amycy1030: Regarding your comment, we think that students need to practice and teachers should give them guideline to focus on the words.
