2009年4月7日 星期二

Method of Loci (Method of Place)

Loci after the Latin word “locus” which means physical location, locality or place.

The purpose of this method is to prepare a short journey consisting of a series of places or stops along the way and then memorize the things along the journey. The method of loci uses the familiar environment to help you memorize the unfamiliar things.

1. You can think of a place or an environment that you are most familiar with. The place can be your workplace, your home, your most favorite restaurant, etc.

The following is the example, a bedroom:

(Pic: http://www.replacementkitchendoors.uk.com/bedroom-doore/bedrooms/bedrooms600/high_gloss_maple_venice_bedroom-main.jpg, last visited on 7/4/2009)

2. Then you can choose ten objects in this place (i.e. the bedroom in this example) and write them down. Just like preparing the route for the journey. In other words, just like the MTR stations, from one station to another station.

3. If you need to memorize some things in a sequence, e.g. like the following exercise that we’ll provide to you, you can use this “Method of Loci” as the aid. Make use of the journey to memorize, and imagine yourself walking through the place.

4. Just like the story method, make your images exaggerated, it will help you to remember it better!

1. If you would like to memorize information for long term or memorize loads of information in a short period of time, you will need to have a multiple journey.
2. The more information you need to remember, the larger the room or the more stops are recommended.

Today, your boss requires you to do the following tasks. Without black and white, can you remember all these tasks?

1. Arrange the box file
2. Print out the name card
3. Attend the seminar
4. Buy postage stamps
5. Send e-mails to boss
6. Data entry
7. Review the project
8. Deposit the checks
9. Answer the income call
10. Reply the complaint

3 則留言:

  1. e個方法唔錯家
    再加埋當日帶既文具黎記野 =)

  2. All, thanks for your comment.
    匿名, Thanks for your sharing in using the method of Loci, it can help the other visitors to apply this, especially for the students^^
    Trista, Yes, we recommend you to try this!
