2009年4月10日 星期五

Learning Map (Cont'd)

Regarding to icircuit's comment on Learning Map at 2nd April, 2009, we will continue discussing about learning map.

Actually, different people have different learning styles. Therefore, some people may not do well with the learning map. Let's take the below picture as the example, it contained too many words and it was difficult to memorize.

However, these people can improve their own learning map through rewriting and practicing.

After rewriting:

As you can see, the above learning map had more cute pictures, symbols and used mother language. These can help memorizing the 5 important theories of Peter Senge in a easier way.

And the below learning map is about the theory of action.

Remarks: The learning maps that were drawn by other people may not be helpful for you. It is because the processing of drawing the learning map also helps you to reinforce your memory.

So we recommend you to try it on your own! Hope the learning map method can help you learn CC3151 efficiently and effectively. ^^

4 則留言:

  1. After we see the blog, I think that the first is easier to draw but difficult to memory. For the third is not easier to draw but easy to memory as I do it by heart.

  2. The second picture is colourful, i like it! is it easier to memorize by using this picture?how?

  3. All, thanks for your comment!
    Pancil, you are encouraged to try this!
    Trista, when there is a lot of words; people will lose the interest in memorizing the information. We think that using pictures can symbolize some abstract or difficult theory. It's also attractive for you to remember it as well =]
