2009年4月12日 星期日

Last Lesson – Time to say goodbye!

Do you know what VAK is?
V- Visual
A- Auditory
K- Kinesthetic
Let’s take the VAK test to check which learning style is your preference.

Different people have their own learning styles, we recommend you to find some memory methods that suit you most.

For Visual Leaner, learning map may be suitable for you. It’s because in the learning map, there are vivid color and pictures that will catch your attention.

For the Auditory Learner, story and homonymic may be suitable for you. It’s because they are related to listening and pronunciation.

For the Kinesthetic Learner, loci may be suitable for you. It’s because the loci method focuses on the route and movement.

The learning style may be changed according to your different stages of life so you may change the method accordingly.

In the life long process, you may learn more memory methods. You can also find the new method to replace the old one. Hence, through the process of learning the memory methods, then unlearning these methods and relearning some other methods, it can help you to reconsolidate your memory skills.

This is our last entry for teaching the memory methods, thank you for your participation in our blog. As learning is a life-long process, you will learn more memory methods. You are welcome to share your ideas to us! Although this is the last entry, our relationship won’t end in here! Finally, hope all of you have a good career prospects and treasure your memory!

4 則留言:

  1. Thank you for sharing.
    The materials are very useful.

  2. After reading your post,
    I hv done the VAK test, and i discover that i am the V learner. I will also try the learning map method!

  3. can you just write a few more posts before the shut down??
    i do like to know more about memorizing technique.=]

  4. All, thanks for your comments =]
    Sophia, have you try any memory methods that we have mentioned?
    Anthony, indeed the VAK test is for your reference. Hope you find the learning map will be useful for you. ^^
    Henry thanks for your support and appreciation. We can write a few more posts ^^ if you like us to do so.
