2009年2月9日 星期一


Welcome !!!

We are Steven, Cicely and Fion. We are the associate students from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong Community College (HKCC). We are doing a group project related to Organizational Learning in Business Enterprises.

For the next few months, we will suggest methods to protect our brain, foods that may help to boost our memory, and several brainstorm methods to enhance remembrance.

Here are some definitions of Memory

(Pic: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/23/31379877_660ca31ee2.jpg)

Memory: (Revised on 3 March, 2009)

1. The ability to recover information about past events or knowledge.

2. The process of recovering information about past events or knowledge.

3. Cognitive reconstruction. The brain engages in a remarkable reshuffling process in an attempt to extract what is general and what is particular about each passing moment.

(copied from: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11642, last visited 3 March, 2009)

In psychology, memory is an organism's mental ability to store, retain and recall information.
(copied from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory, last visited 10 Feb, 2009)

Three Stages of Memory:

1. Sensory (Visual, Auditory, Action)

2. Short term (E.g. Dictation, Test)

3. Long term

Three Key Processes in Memory:

1. Encoding

2. Storage

3. Retrieval

The purpose of this blog is to present a step-by-step guide to train our staffs how to make use of most of your memory. You will find a lot of exercises in it. If you have time, we encourage you to do all of the exercises. They are beneficial to you. Practice makes things prefect!! ^^

2 則留言:

  1. what are the other definitions of memory?

  2. To icircuit:
    Thank you for your question~
    The following is the other definitions of memory:
    1.The ability to recover information about past events or knowledge.
    2. The process of recovering information about past events or knowledge.
    3. Cognitive reconstruction. The brain engages in a remarkable reshuffling process in an attempt to extract what is general and what is particular about each passing moment.
